Psychological Tune-up Sessions
No matter how far you’ve come, there’s always a new challenge ahead - we will ensure that you’re up to the task.
It’s easy to get to the top - the challenge is staying there.
Our Psychological Tune-up Sessions are designed to offer ongoing support to clients who have completed an intervention program with us. Let us give you the tools that allow you to adapt and adjust to new obstacles, challenges and goals.
Whether it be tweaking your current psychological toolkit, revising previous strategies or adding additional strings to your bow, we will make sure you continue to thrive, no matter what stands in your way. Issues we commonly address include:
Maintaining motivation and discipline
Dealing with expectancy/pressure
Identifying new targets/goals
Improving mental preparation
Performance errors
Attention/focus issues
Reinforcement strategies
Keep your mental game sharp.
You never know what new challenge awaits, or what it will demand of you. Whatever your journey throws at you, our Tune-up sessions will give you precisely what you need to rise to the occasion.
We aren’t going to string you along. Once we identify what your new challenge demands, we won’t waste time in upgrading your skillset. We want you back out there doing what you do best without delay.
“Good” simply isn’t good enough. Our goal is to equip you for excellence, and we are as unrelenting with our standards as you are. No matter how strong your mindset - if want to push it to the next level, we’ll get you there.